Board of Governors

Local Governing Board

Meet the Governors at St Peter's Junior School

Local Governing Board Members

Mrs Mary-Jane Tinsley, Chair of Governors

I have four children, three of whom have completed their education and are now navigating the adult world. I recently spent time working closely with the Child Protection Early Prevention Team, I subsequently have a very keen interest in parenting and safeguarding. I have an SEN son who I am very proud to say attends St Peters and I am currently learning fast what Autism, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia and Sensory Processing Disorder are and how they affect education and homelife. As an advocate of life-long learning, I have returned to education three times during my adulthood and I passionately believe that education is for all and comes in many formats. My favourite saying: 'education is a wonderful and exciting stepping stone, but it does not define who we are'.

Mrs Gemma Brown, Headteacher, Ex officio governor

Stella Kaye , Clerk to the governors

Ms Danielle Wallwork, Co-opted Governor

I’m a mother to a young daughter who has SEN, I’m disabled myself and since being out of work I’ve been desperate to get back out into the local community to show my passion of helping children to thrive. St Peter’s school is a brilliant school and I’m very passionate about the quality of education and pupil premium which I’ll be overseeing.

Mr Michael Banning, Co-opted Governor

I have a son at St Peter's plus three now adult stepchildren, so my introduction to parenting started with teenagers prior to having the whole new baby experience. I’ve worked in the IT industry for 33 years including being a Career Manager where I help coach and mentor more junior staff to assist them to develop. I’ve held a Practitioners Certificate in Data Protection since 2017 so am formally qualified in respect of GDPR and its application and will be bringing all my skills and experience to assist St Peter's in its journey.

Mrs Stefanie Summers, Parent Governor

Mercy Scott - Parent Governor

Janet Tansfield - Co-opted Governor

Who we are

St Peter's have recently developed a brand new local governing body.

If you would like to make contact with our Chair of Governors, Mary-Jane Tinsley, her email is:

Minutes are made at every meeting and are in 'draft' form until they have been reviewed and approved by the governing body at the next committee meeting.

Approved minutes are available via the Clerk to Governors, Stella Kaye:

The Chair of Governors is appointed by the Diocese of Ely Multi-Academy Trust (DEMAT). 

All other members of the Local Governing Body are appointed by the Chair of Governors after consultation with the LGB and the Headteacher. The composition of governors is a mixture of staff, parent and community governors as described in the Trust’s scheme of delegation. The scheme also requires the membership of an incumbent or representative as approved by the Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry in which the school is situated. In this case the Archdeaconry of Wisbech and Huntingdon.

Knowing Our School and Carrying Out Our Governance Role

Knowing Our School and Carrying Out Our Governance Role

Quality of Education

All members of our Local Governing Body (LGB) focuses on monitoring the Quality of the Education provided to our children, and ensure it is aligned to the School Evaluation Form (SEF) and School Development Plan (SDP). These school documents enable us as governors to focus our monitoring on the school development plan priority areas. Our motto is always ‘So How Do We Know’, which is fundamental in how we carry out our governance role.

We carry out Data Analysis, Learning Walks, Book Looks, Pupil Voice and Class visits to inform our monitoring, as well as ensuring this links into the school’s curriculum intent, curriculum plan, subject action plans, moderation and discussions with teachers and the Headteacher. We feedback formally to the LGB via monitoring reports and LGB discussions. In addition, we regularly monitor staff wellbeing as a governance team through discussions with the Headteacher and individual members of staff.

Carrying Out Our Statutory Duties

Leadership of the LGB, Safeguarding, SEND 

Our Chair, Mary-Jane Tinsley, is our link governor for safeguarding and SEND. Our Chair is in regular contact with the Headteacher to focus on the performance of the school in all areas, including headteacher wellbeing and ensuring the relationship between the LGB and the Headteacher retains the appropriate balance of support and challenge. 

Governor Visibility

We are very proactive and visible in school, with children, parents and the wider community as it is essential our children, staff and parents know who we are and the work that we do. 

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